3d scanning
  • 29 April 2019
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In recent years, the need to preserve the heritage has become more urgent than ever. The war in the Middle East destroyed and wiped out many ancient ruins. Meanwhile, in other areas, people are also helpless against the destruction caused by natural disasters, cultural destruction, the elimination of artworks as well as the lack of […]

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3d degree virtual tour
  • 9 April 2019
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Known for true images that touch every corner of the project space of projects, giving viewers the most general and realistic view, 3D Scanning technology and 360 Degree Virtual Tour has become the secret of success of many “Real Estate tycoons”. Visiting and selling real estate is no longer limited by geographical distance. With just […]

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3d scanning technology
  • 1 February 2019
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3D scanning technology is a breakthrough in virtual technology, which is the most modern technology in the world. It provides a more intuitive and perfect perspective and connect clients to specific spaces and locations. It also enhances the ability to interact with a sense of realism, something that neither a 360 virtual tour nor a […]

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