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Contrary to popular belief, Millennials’s are buying homes all over the country. Reach Millennial home buyers with unique real estate marketing that uses the latest technology.

1. Start by Being a Resource

Most millennial homebuyers are also first-time homebuyers. This means that they’re going to need more guidance and help throughout the process than a seasoned home buyer. And if you look at this as an opportunity rather than a problem, you’ll be able to gain a lot of clients.

One way to take advantage of this situation is by being a resource first before you try to sell a home. Try to build trust with millennial homebuyers by providing helpful and understandable content.

Remember that buying a home for first the time can be confusing and frustrating! Position yourself as someone who can help them understand the process. When you do this, you’re setting yourself up as a millennial home buying expert.

And when you do this, your reputation will spread by word of mouth.

Another way to make this happen is through content marketing. This simply means publishing helpful content on your blog that people find through Google. Then, this grows your relationship and trust, eventually leading to more and more millennials working with you.

2. Customize Your Communication

Millennials communicate differently than past generations. And many of them have grown up with all different types of communication methods. Most millennials have preferred means of communication.

But one key theme is that many millennials would rather communicate through text or email rather than talking over the phone, especially for short conversations.

Some might prefer video calling instead of meeting in person. No matter what, ask your millennial clients what they prefer early on and then use it!

3. Appearance Matters

Another key to remember when marketing to millennials is that appearance matters to them. Many of them have been dreaming of owning their own home and have been finding design ideas on Instagram and Pinterest for years.

One way to take advantage of this is to stage your homes well. Millennials love to see staging. In fact, in a recent study, 41% of young home buyers stated that home staging is important to them.

In your marketing materials, use high-quality images. Show beautiful homes, both exterior and interior views. These things really appeal to the millennial audience.

4. Utilize Social Media

A key trait of most millennials is their use of social media. In fact, social media today is used for communicating with friends, interacting with businesses, and is used in researching their purchasing decisions.

So in other words, if you don’t have a strong social media presence, you’re missing out on millennial clientele. Many of them will look up your profiles when they’re considering working with you.

Social media is also great for you as an agent because it allows you to show some personality, grow your personal brand, and can be used as a lead generation tool.

5. Respond Quickly to Millennial Home Buyers

More than any other generation, millennials have high standards when it comes to customer service and responsiveness. They expect to hear back quickly from professionals and companies and want to work with someone who will get back to them as soon as possible.

While this can be seen as annoying, the agents who have the best success with millennials choose to see this as an opportunity. Make this something that you’re really good at and something that you even use in your marketing materials as a differentiator.

Just keep in mind that with millennial clients, it’s worth it to try and respond quickly. With other clients, you might expect them to be okay with a few day’s delay, but with most millennials that won’t work and they’ll choose a different agent.

6. Show How You’re Different

Responding quickly isn’t the only way to differentiate yourself from the competition. In fact, it’s a good idea to market yourself as different for a lot of reasons.

This is because millennials know that not all agents are created equal. Every agent has their strengths and weaknesses and working with them will bring both pros and cons.

And millennials are willing to put in the time to find the agent that will work best for them. In fact, of all the age groups, they’re the most likely to consider more than one agent in their research process.

One great way to stand out is to create a strong bio on your website and social media accounts. Consider using a little humor or something to catch people’s attention.

But remember that millennials are also looking for substance. Go into detail about the things you will do to sell their home quickly and for the most money possible.

For more help with real estate marketing, check out our solutions.

7. Take Advantage of Reviews

Guess what? 88% of people trust online reviews written by other customers as much as they trust recommendations from people they know.

So when it comes to marketing to millennials, your online reviews are a key part of your success or failure. When they are looking for a real estate agent to work with, it’s almost a guarantee they will look you up on Google and/or Facebook to read what past clients have said about you.

So to beef up your online reputation, always ask your best clients to leave reviews. This will ensure that you have a wealth of positive reviews online which means more and more millennials will trust you.

This form of social proof is a must when working with millennial clients.

There you have it! 7 great ways to reach more millennial homebuyers.

If you have questions or want to learn more about our real estate marketing services, contact us today.