architectural 3d film
  • 23 June 2019
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3D films are no longer strange to real estate marketing. However, it is not easy to complete a successful product and resonate with the community. Architectural 3D film wants to be an effective sales tool that must ensure the basic principles of both quality and quantity. So, how to have a good 3D movie?   The […]

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real estate 3d film
  • 18 June 2019
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The process of making a real estate 3D film is the combination of art and 3D technology to fully convey the investor’s ideas. Although architectural visualizations are virtual technology images, it helps people to feel original design ideas in a realistic way. Let’s take a quick look at the steps to create a real estate 3D film. […]

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real estate 3D movie
  • 15 June 2019
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Real estate 3D movie is becoming a phenomenon, which brings realistic views to real estate projects that are under construction. So, many people are curious to know: What is a Real estate 3D movie? What are 3D movies different from other movie genres? The benefits that it brings to the Real Estate industry. Let’s find out these […]

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tvc 3d
  • 11 May 2019
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Just like the production of 2D movies or conventional visual products, producing TVC 3D advertisement film also includes similar stages. However, due to the peculiarities, this production process has a few basic differences that require the feats and “solid” skills of all visual artists in each stage. 1. Give ideas and unify the script for […]

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  • 22 March 2019
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3D TVC ads, also known as 3D film, is a technology of film ad using 3D images in the content. The reason why 3D advertising is increasingly popular is that 3D images help create a vivid, beautiful and more impressive experience for viewers in every movie. The images used are a perfect combination of the […]

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