
Rich results on Google when searching Point Cloud or BIM


To achieve success in a construction project, a project manager must have a clear understanding of the processes and challenges in order to be able to overcome obstacles within a limited time frame. So, for constructions that require detailed physical measurements, Point Cloud technology can help meet this goal.

Today, advances in the processing of point clouds have greatly reduced the cost of creating Point Cloud. The procedure has become simple and fast. So what are Point Cloud and what are their advantages?

1. What is a Point Cloud?

As you scan, the laser scanner records a large number of data points from the surfaces in the area you are scanning. These can include walls, windows, ductwork, structural steel, and more. And, Point Cloud is a collection of many of these small data points.

A Point Cloud is a large number of small data points that exist in three-dimensional space, with each dimension having X, Y, and Z coordinates. Each point represents a portion of the surface in a given area. So the Point Cloud captured by the laser scanner is a precisely constructed object or space. It is saved as a very large number of points covering the surface of an object. And a Point Cloud defines a space by recording points that cover surfaces in that space.

2. Advantages of Point Clouds in Construction

More exactly:

Point Clouds can be used to create BIM designs. Besides, they can also help align digital models with physical space with high precision. Point Clouds can provide detailed descriptions of inaccessible and restricted places.

– Accuracy:

Use Point Clouds for faster and more accurate output. Ground-based LIDAR scanning technology can deliver millimeter-accurate results, while drone LIDAR is accurate from 1 to 30 centimeters. People often use other apps in conjunction with LIDAR like GPS to make sure every point of information comes with accurate data.

Easy Improvements:

Construction companies can use point clouds to develop BIM. This is especially important if undertaking renovations to a historic building. In this case, point clouds can be used to obtain a 3D model of an existing structure. People can build BIM model for using this data to further facilitate the construction process.

Track project progress:

Point clouds are also useful for tracking project progress. This is because people do it by quickly scanning each phase of the project and comparing the data with the BIM plan. Data enables stakeholders to make the right decisions at the right time. This can help detect errors and prevent delays, resulting in a better structured final product.

– Collaborate and share data:

Data from Point Cloud is suitable for remote collaboration processes. So, this makes it an appropriate choice in a work-from-home environment. Your project partners can communicate collaborate around the virtual model over the Internet. Any updates to the model are visible in virtual reality and stakeholders can use them.

Cost saving:

Due to the accuracy of planning with Point Clouds, you can plan the spending of your activities. In fact, a small workforce can complete a laser scan in a short amount of time. You are less likely to experience any unforeseen problems or costs. Likewise, laser inspection eliminates the need for manual review, reducing the cost of hiring extra work.

– Safety guarantee:

Manual surveying may involve maneuvering personnel through harsh terrain, potentially endangering surveyor safety. However, Point Cloud technology incorporating drones can collect data from difficult terrain without causing any human casualties.

Home3ds provides Point Cloud and 3D modeling services to its customers. We work on the Point Cloud, Scan-to-BIM. Contact us now to get more information.