Great real estate photography needs to attract clients, create a desire for the home and ultimately make them want to purchase it. This takes more than just pointing at the camera and clicking a button. Professional real estate photography listings on your own are certainly a viable option. It’s proven that listings with professional real estate photography sell for better prices and more quickly.
There are some rules that are followed to make photography stand out. Below are a few tips, you need to make real estate photography attractive.
1. Keep The Image Simple
To get an attractive photo, you want to remove all distractions from the photo that don’t aid in presenting it well. Common items that create a distraction in an external image are; Multiple cars in a driveway, trash cans, kids’ toys, etc. For an internal photo, you want to keep a room neat and remove as many personal effects as possible, photos, too many books, clothes, etc.
2. Bright Photos
Buyers aren’t attracted to dark or shady shots, to ensure that every image is bright and sharp. Late morning and early afternoon are when the sun is at its brightest, creating an excellent opportunity to capture external shots of the house and highlight attractive features.
3. Artificial Lighting
Most of the time daytime is the best time to take real estate photos, but some properties have feature lighting which creates a dramatic effect that is worth capturing. These kinds of shots work well for properties with landscaped back gardens with pools.
4. Image Structure
When shooting interiors, how the photo is framed, and what is left in and out contributes to what takes a photo appealing. Moreover, staging is the key element to interior real estate photography success, having the right mix of furniture and color tones is essential to an appealing room.
5. View Point
Take the shot in a way that a buyer visiting the house would see the shot. Such as standing at the front door looking down an attractive hallway or looking into a kitchen from an appealing angle. You want to make the property as appealing as possible, but at the same time realistic for the buyer.
If you want to get high-quality images, contact us at Home3ds, we will offer a full range of real estate photo editing services.