There is an innovative method that is highly appreciated in staging: virtual renovation. The idea of this method is very similar to virtual staging. In virtual renovation, the problem is not how to fill a space. Instead, it’s all about how future homeowners can envision the home renovations the original owners intended to make. This technique is a lifesaver for realtors, mainly if the property to sell needs a major revamp, but needs to have some prospective buyers already. This method helps future buyers see what the property will look like finally with all the necessary changes in the yard or garage, primary room revamp, additional furniture, wall paints.
An efficient tool for selling homes
This is an effective and useful method of selling a house. With the popularity of home staging, buyers can imagine what the home would look like after staging if it were empty or unstaged.
Gives homebuyers time to decide and have enough budget
Helps homebuyers time to decide and have enough budget. In Virtual renovation, it helps buyers to evaluate their choices based on their capability and budget. The realtor’s job is to make them aware that a particular property needs this kind of restoration and know if they are willing to shoulder the proposed repair expenses. This paves the way for a more transparent transaction and helps the buyer make a more sound decision.
Builds realtor’s credibility
Some realtors build their credibility through the way they deal with buyers. By providing renovation photos, they can clearly show that they are selling the property in good faith by not hiding any possible repairs that the buyer may have to do as soon as they become under their responsibility.
Helps home buyers find their dream home
Sometimes, home buyers do not have enough funds to buy a new home. In this case, they are eyeing for an alternative option those properties that need repairs. Buyers on a strict budget often choose this kind of stuff because they can still save a lot of money, even with all the renovations compared to buying a new home.
Get started with our service for virtual renovation your property today. Contact us at Home3ds to improve the time on your listing faster and more affordable.