
digital marketing for real estate industry

Marketing tips – 5 trends in 4.0 era real estate strategy

4.0 technological revolution boom, followed by changes in real estate marketing trends. In the context of the market today, how can owners and managements at real estate transaction floors can adapt to new marketing methods and devise strategies suitable for the market as well as target clients?

In this article, we will share the latest trends to help businesses find a new direction for their strategy.

1. Wifi Marketing

Wifi marketing is a great combination of social media and marketing through mobile devices. It is a form of advertising via the free wifi network by giving users the use of free high-speed wifi. However, instead of having to enter the normal password to log in, users will see the ad before accessing the internet.  

Wifi marketing can be deployed wherever there is a free Wifi network for users such as: Coffee shops, restaurants, schools, hospitals, transaction points… Users will have to interact by viewing images, clicking on the message, watching a short clip or accessing google, Facebook account or some other social network for wider sharing to their friends. The information shared by Google or Facebook accounts brings a lot of effectiveness for advertising. When they check-in or share on social networks, their friends and relatives also see. Through that, they help products closer to clients, improve brand recognition.

In short, wifi marketing uses wifi as an intermediary tool to send messages to users at a given location.

2. Virtual Reality Technology

With the headlining advertising today, clients are “overwhelmed” in dozens of information. Therefore, the need to foresee and feel the future products before buying is highly appreciated by clients. Based on that demand, the application of Virtual Reality technology was born to help clients have the most realistic experience about the product as well as support for sales to become more favorable.

Not only that, the combination of VR technology and 3D design help to build a multi-dimensional space that is most intuitive, allowing viewers to go from one position to another, even see how an overview of 360-degree space. Clients will feel honest about the design, layout of the space, the interior of the whole house.

3. Mobile Application

According to ZION statistics, currently in the United States, 90% of businesses own mobile apps. The number of people using mobile devices for direct purchases is also increasing, accounting for 74%. Particularly for Vietnam, the number of consumers using smartphones also accounts for 90%.

This figure shows that smartphones are increasingly indispensable. They are almost impossible to leave the user. And they can spend most of their time surfing the web, chatting, watching videos, … without using laptops or other devices. So, the Mobile App ad is considered a strategic communication solution for businesses today.

Instead of using thick and huge documents, clients can now easily search for real estate information, price lists, projects on sale,… via mobile apps. The development of smartphones is a fertile “ground” for businesses that want to reach clients. If you own a mobile app, it is easy to be with users whenever they need it. Since then, the faith of a brand gradually formed in the hearts of users.

4. Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation is a combination of CRM system and Email Marketing by using software to automate marketing processes such as client segmentation, clients’ information integration, clients’ care, … on pre-established scenarios based on their behavior.

Try putting yourself in the minds of your clients. If you receive an introductory email about a company’s products/services, you will feel disrespectful when your email is like thousands of others. All use common personal pronouns and no specialties. In return, if it was a personalized email sent to your name, would your impression be better? Do you feel more satisfied and willing to care about this service/product than before? 99% of the answers are yes.

There are many Marketing Automation software in the world. The most significant is HubSpot – a software specializing in Marketing and Sales built on the foundation of Inbound Marketing. This software helps businesses find more potential clients in the process of shopping and finding information. It provides many tools to help businesses market and sell effectively and Marketing automation is one of them.

5. Smart Google Display Network

Google Display Network (GDN) is gradually becoming an integral part of the leading businesses and companies in many fields. Many marketing experts have commented that: “Want to penetrate into a new market, you must have the back of GDN”.

The Google Display Network is a form of Google display advertising. GDN ads exist in the form of GDN Banner images and are placed on affiliate websites that run Google Adsense. It is suitable for all budgets of businesses. CPD Banner ads (cost per duration) which have been popular for a long time because of the advantage: you will always see your ad in the amount of time you have paid money for it.

However, as competition is increasing, this form of pricing shows a lack of flexibility and difficulty in measuring the effectiveness of ads. Businesses often have to pay weekly and monthly expenses with huge costs. How can you know if the cost for a given day/week/month is really optimal? The method of calculating the cost of advertising by the impression (CPM – cost per 1000 impressions) or click (CPC – cost per click) will be an alternative solution. Businesses can choose budgets appropriate to their marketing goals to implement GDN ads.

To sum up, Real estate is a high-value product industry, so we must keep up to date with new trends to reach our target clients more easily.